Moodle and WhatsApp as Pedagogical Adjuncts for Oral Pathology Training in Undergraduate Dental School: A Comparative Randomized Crossover Study
Renjith George, Preethy M Donald, Htoo Htoo K Soe, Nameetha N Chandran, Siti NA Mohd Rubaee, Sangeetha Periyasamy
Keywords :
Dentistry, Medical education, Moodle, Pedagogy, WhatsApp
Citation Information :
George R, Donald PM, Soe HH, Chandran NN, Rubaee SN, Periyasamy S. Moodle and WhatsApp as Pedagogical Adjuncts for Oral Pathology Training in Undergraduate Dental School: A Comparative Randomized Crossover Study. World J Dent 2024; 15 (3):214-221.
Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate WhatsApp as an adjunct tool for undergraduate dental education in comparison with the learning management system (LMS) “Moodle.”
Materials and methods: Year 3 Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) students at the institute were divided into two groups and underwent training for two selected topics in the subject of oral pathology using Moodle and WhatsApp in a crossover design. WhatsApp-assisted learning was considered as intervention and the institutional LMS Moodle as control. A posttest using standardized and objective structured practical examination (OSPE) format was conducted to assess the knowledge and histopathology slide reading skills, and the scores were recorded. At the end of both sessions, a validated self-administered feedback form was circulated among the students to assess the advantages and challenges of WhatsApp-assisted learning pertaining to technical, educational, and instructional domains.
Results: Results showed no statistically significant difference in the total score for knowledge or skill between the intervention and control (p = 0.190 and p = 0.785, respectively). Female students showed higher total scores for the knowledge component compared to male students (p = 0.047). Students perceived the technical, educational, and instructional advantages of WhatsApp-assisted learning more than the challenges faced.
Conclusion: The result of the study shows that WhatsApp-assisted learning as a nonface-to-face pedagogical approach for the study population has comparable efficacy to traditional LMS such as Moodle in terms of knowledge and skill score. WhatsApp has some technical, educational, and instructional advantages over Moodle in terms of its universal popularity and user-friendliness in terms of accessibility. The hindering aspects are message flooding, linear texting design, usage of device memory, and interruptions as the platform's primary usage as a communication application.
Clinical significance: Efficacy of nonface-to-face pedagogical approach for training dentistry can be facilitated through platforms such as Moodle and WhatsApp, but the academic fraternity shall be aware of the pros and cons of each of them to deliver quality education. The findings from this study provide insights into the integration of technology in dental education and may assist educators in designing effective hybrid teaching strategies tailored to the specific needs of undergraduate dental education.
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