Citation Information :
Chakraborty K, Sardar J, Das S. Comparative Analysis for Gender Determination of Palatal Rugoscopy among Children in Different Ethno-racial Populations of North Bengal. World J Dent 2024; 15 (2):114-120.
Background: Palatal rugoscopy helps in forensic investigative procedures, in cases of decomposed/burnt bodies, and in cases of missing upper limbs. Palatal rugae facilitate personal identification, age estimation, or gender determination in such cases.
Aim: The present study is a cross-sectional comparative analysis done for gender determination using palatal rugoscopy among different ethnic-racial populations of North Bengal.
Materials and methods: The study was a population-based cross-sectional study conducted in the Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, North Bengal Dental College and Hospital, Darjeeling, West Bengal, India. Around 100 study models (SM) of patients attending the outpatient department selected for orthodontic treatment were selected, and 32 cases were included in the study within a period of 6 months (September 2022 to February 2023). A black permanent marker pen was used to mark the rugae patterns in the SM, and these were analyzed with reference from Thomas and Kotze's classification.
Results: The forward A and B shapes of the rugae were predominant among the females in both groups, as compared to the males. The mean values among the females were 2.93, and there was a statistical difference in the unified type of rugae within the females (mean of 1.99) were present, showing a higher prevalence as compared to males (0.90). The prevalence of the circular pattern increased significantly in females (0.89) compared to males (0.66). The p-values in the curved, straight, wavy, circular, and unified patterns were seen to be 0.124, 0.4236, 0.011, 0.088, and 0.011, respectively.
Conclusion: The mean number of rugae was higher in females than males, thus portraying that palatal rugae patterns are unique and chiefly specific to an individual.
Clinical significance: A widespread study on comparative rugae analysis would provide a comprehensive overview regarding the similarities, differences, and prevalence patterns of palatal rugae among different ethnic-racial populations and also gender differentiation between them.
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