Aims and objectives: To compare the treatment outcomes pre- and postoperatively in mandibular fractures, in the symphysis region, parasymphysis, and body region, treated by conventional locking titanium miniplates and three-dimensional (3D) locking titanium miniplates on parameters such as postoperative occlusion, stability, infection, healing, distortion of plates, and duration of surgery.
Materials and methods: A cohort of 50 patients presenting with mandibular fractures (MFs) involving the symphysis, parasymphysis, and body regions was included in this study. The patient pool was evenly divided into two groups, denoted as groups I and II, each comprising 25 individuals. In group I, patients underwent treatment utilizing 2.0 mm titanium miniplates featuring a conventional locking system, while in group II, 2.0 mm titanium miniplates with a 3D locking system were employed. The therapeutic interventions were conducted under general anesthesia for both groups. Subsequent to the surgical procedures, patients underwent systematic follow-ups at 1 and 3-month intervals, during which evaluations were performed to assess parameters such as infection status, occlusion, stability of fracture segments, paresthesia, healing progress, and the occurrence of hardware failure.
Results: The fixation process using 3D plates exhibited a mean duration of 20–25 minutes, while the conventional locking plate method showed an average duration of 40–45 minutes. A statistically significant “p” value of 0.000 was obtained when comparing the duration of surgery between the two groups. However, no statistical significance was observed when evaluating other parameters between the groups.
Conclusion: A titanium plate with a 3D locking system can be used as an alternative to a conventional locking system because of its strength, malleability, and its aid in better reduction and stabilization of fractured segments into a single unit, thus providing 3D stability at the fracture site.
Clinical significance: This study contributes to addressing the need to reduce surgical duration. The utilization of 3D locking plates is demonstrated to integrate advanced techniques for mandibular fracture fixation, resulting in an expedited treatment process. This innovative approach envisions novel strategies for fracture management, ultimately aiming to enhance patient outcomes.
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