World Journal of Dentistry

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VOLUME 15 , ISSUE 10 ( October, 2024 ) > List of Articles


Facial Harmony: Evaluating the Position of Maxillary Central Incisors Relative to the Forehead

Ankita Das, Bhagabati P Dash, George Sam, Priya Patel, Visshishta Jaggannagari, Vivek H Prakash

Keywords : Forehead facial axis, Forehead, Glabella, Lateral pictures, Upper anteriors

Citation Information : Das A, Dash BP, Sam G, Patel P, Jaggannagari V, Prakash VH. Facial Harmony: Evaluating the Position of Maxillary Central Incisors Relative to the Forehead. World J Dent 2024; 15 (10):875-880.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10015-2459

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 27-01-2025

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2024; The Author(s).


Aim: The aim of the investigation was to investigate the anteroposterior (AP) position of upper anteriors with respect to the forehead in Bengali females. Materials and methods: The sample frame of the study group was formed from profile smiling pictures of 50 nongrowing Bengali females who visited the department for orthodontic therapy. They had proclined upper anteriors that they considered unesthetic. They were compared with the control sample, which consisted of profile smiling pictures with upper anteriors visible of 50 nongrowing Bengali females whose pictures were considered pleasing to the investigators. They had not undergone any previous orthodontic treatment and had a well-aligned upper arch. To evaluate the most favorable AP position of the upper central incisor and the upper jaw with reference to the forehead, reference lines were drawn and measurements were done. Results: Most of the individuals in the control sample had their upper anteriors placed between the forehead facial axis (FFA) and glabella, whereas in the study sample, most of the individuals had their anteriors placed in front of the glabella. No significant correlation was found between the forehead inclination and incisor position in both the study and control groups. Conclusion: The present study concluded that the most favorable position of upper centrals is between the glabella and FFA. Hence, markers on the forehead can play an important role in deciding the position of upper anteriors for patients undergoing orthodontic therapy. Clinical significance: Orthodontic diagnosis and therapy planning need evaluation of the soft tissues of the external face. Modern orthodontics is placing more focus on enhancing facial esthetics. Rather than only focusing on the cephalometric markers and values, lateral photographic evaluation of the face is important to deliver an overall esthetic appearance to the patient.

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