Citation Information :
Azeez SM, Surji FF, Kadir SO, Karim R. Accuracy and Reliability of WebCeph Digital Cephalometric Analysis in Comparison with Conventional Cephalometric Analysis. World J Dent 2023; 14 (8):727-732.
Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine the accuracy and reliability of direct digital radiograph tracing using WebCeph, comparing it to manually tracing digital printouts.
Materials and methods: A single operator measured 12 linear and angular cephalometric parameters digitally and manually, which comprised 25 digital lateral cephalometric photographs. The difference in measurements obtained from manual to digital tracings was compared using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and confidence interval (CI), while the intraexaminer error was assessed using the coefficient of variation (CV).
Results: A comparison of hand and WebCeph tracing showed an excellent level of agreement except for upper incisor (UI) to nasion-point A (NA), Frankfort-mandibular plane angle (FMA), incisor mandibular plane angle (IMPA), and lower incisor (LI) to nasion-noint B (NB), which showed moderate to good agreement. Intraexaminer reliability was excellent for both manual and digital approaches.
Conclusion: In conclusion, except for UI to NA, FMA, IMPA, and LI to NB, all measurements in this study demonstrated excellent agreement between digital and manual tracing.
Clinical significance: It can be concluded that digital tracing with WebCeph is suitable for clinical uses and equivalent to manual cephalometric tracings. For everyday use and research, digital imaging may be preferred over analog methods due to the advantages of digital imaging in terms of storage, enhancement, and transmission quality.
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