World Journal of Dentistry

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VOLUME 14 , ISSUE 3 ( March, 2023 ) > List of Articles


Evaluation of Serum and Salivary Visfatin Prior to and Post-nonsurgical Periodontal Therapy in Periodontally Healthy and Chronic Periodontitis Patients

Duraisamy Surya, Settu Saranya, Sundaram Elanchezhiyan, Elangovan Gayathripriyadharshini, Gainneos R Daniel, Karunamoorthy Vennila

Keywords : Chronic periodontitis, Diagnostic marker, Nonsurgical periodontal therapy, Salivary visfatin, Serum visfatin

Citation Information : Surya D, Saranya S, Elanchezhiyan S, Gayathripriyadharshini E, Daniel GR, Vennila K. Evaluation of Serum and Salivary Visfatin Prior to and Post-nonsurgical Periodontal Therapy in Periodontally Healthy and Chronic Periodontitis Patients. World J Dent 2023; 14 (3):263-267.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10015-2193

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 05-05-2023

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2023; The Author(s).


Aims: This study aims to evaluate the visfatin levels in periodontally healthy persons and subjects with chronic periodontitis and their change in levels with regard to nonsurgical periodontal therapy (NSPT). Materials and methods: A total of 30 individuals with healthy periodontium and 30 patients with chronic periodontitis in the age range of 25–65 years and with normal body mass index (BMI) were selected for the study. Scaling and root planing were done for chronic periodontitis patients and were reviewed after 2 months. Periodontal clinical parameters were noted, and salivary and serum samples were collected and stored during the first visit and review. Visfatin levels in the samples were evaluated using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results: Chronic periodontitis patients had elevated levels of serum (38.1 ng/mL vs 16.42 ng/mL) and salivary (57.86 ng/mL vs 19.94 ng/mL) visfatin in comparison to healthy controls. In periodontitis patients, serum (38.1 ng/mL to 20.32 ng/mL) and salivary (57.86 ng/mL to 19.62 ng/mL) levels of visfatin were reduced in response to NSPT. Conclusion: The elevation in serum visfatin and salivary visfatin levels in chronic periodontitis patients and its reduction in response to NSPT makes visfatin a probable disease marker and a potential therapeutic target for assessing treatment efficacy. Clinical significance: Visfatin, being an adipocytokine, is closely related to the process of inflammation cascade. Its association with periodontal inflammation and health, as seen in the present study, shows that visfatin may be utilized as a marker in the diagnosis of periodontitis and in the evaluation of treatment efficacy.

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