Citation Information :
Aldhelai TA. Diagnostic Strategies and Techniques for Pulpal Pathology in Primary Dentition: A Comprehensive Review. World J Dent 2023; 14 (11):1013-1018.
Aim: The aim of this review was to examine the different methods used for diagnosing pulpal pathologies in primary teeth.
Background: Accurate diagnosis of pulpal pathologies in primary teeth is essential as it not only facilitates early identification and treatment of dental pathologies but also plays a crucial role in guiding the proper development of permanent teeth. A comprehensive evaluation involving various diagnostic methods is necessary to ensure appropriate treatment decisions and optimal care for pediatric patients.
Review results: The present study findings indicate the use of various diagnostic techniques, including visual-tactile examination, radiographic assessment, evaluation of pain characteristics, mechanical tests, examination of soft tissues, operative diagnosis, and sensitivity/vitality tests. These methods play a significant role in determining the condition of the dental pulp.
Conclusion: Based on the study findings, it is clear that employing a comprehensive approach that incorporates these diagnostic tools is essential for achieving an accurate diagnosis. This, in turn, enables appropriate treatment decisions for addressing pulpal pathology in primary teeth.
Clinical significance: Understanding and utilizing a wide range of diagnostic methods for pulpal pathologies in primary teeth enables clinicians to make informed treatment decisions and provide optimal care, ensuring proper dental development and long-term oral health for pediatric patients.
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