Effects of Piezoelectric Surgery on Implant Stability and Marginal Bone Level: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Supriya S Kaule, Pranjali V Bawankar, Abhay P Kolte
Keywords :
Conventional drilling, Implant site preparation, Implant stability quotient, Marginal bone loss, Osseointegration, Piezoelectric surgery
Citation Information :
Kaule SS, Bawankar PV, Kolte AP. Effects of Piezoelectric Surgery on Implant Stability and Marginal Bone Level: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. World J Dent 2023; 14 (10):918-925.
Aim: The goal of this literature review and meta-analysis was to compare piezoelectric surgery to conventional surgery on parameters of both implant stability and marginal bone loss (MBL) for implant site preparation (ISP). In dental implant patients, what is the effectiveness of ISP by piezoelectric surgery in comparison to conventional drilling (CD) in terms of primary and secondary stability and MBL?
Background: An electronic search was conducted in PubMed, Cochrane Library, Scopus, and Google Scholar library databases following the search algorithm, “ISP or piezoelectric surgery or conventional surgery” and “piezoelectric surgery or conventional surgery.” A manual search for eligible studies was also performed in the Journal of Implant Dentistry, Quintessence International, Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, and International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Journal.
Review results: A total of 93 articles were retrieved, among which 92 were from PubMed and one was obtained by manual search. After removing duplicates 12 articles were screened and seven were finally selected for qualitative and statistical analyses. Among the above studies, piezoelectric surgery (p = 0.0964) and conventional surgery (p = 0.8525) found nonsignificant p-values with comparable results.
Conclusion: Piezoelectric surgery provides a reliable alternative to traditional drilling for implant bed preparation, yielding implant stability quotient (ISQ) and MBL values that are comparable. More high-quality research is needed to evaluate the long-term stability and bone loss values of these two approaches.
Clinical significance: Both methods are useful in ISP. However, piezoelectric surgery reduces bone destructive inflammatory response during osseointegration.
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