Keywords :
Antibacterial agents, Antibiotic prophylaxis, Dentists’, Drug resistance, Practice patterns
Citation Information :
Suresan V, Das S, Verma RK, Dash B, Banka A, Suresh A. Antibiotic Prescribing Practices amongst the Dental Practitioners of Bhubaneswar City: A Cross-sectional Study. World J Dent 2022; 13 (5):520-526.
Aim: To assess the antibiotic prescribing practices and knowledge of current antibiotic regimens amongst the dental practitioners of Bhubaneswar City, Odisha.
Materials and methods: A descriptive, e-mail-based, cross-sectional study was conducted amongst 905 dental practitioners of Bhubaneswar city. A pretested, validated, a self-structured questionnaire was designed to assess the demographic data (age, gender, specialty, and years of experience) and 17 questions assessing the usual prescription patterns (type, dosage, and duration of antibiotics prescribed for selected diseases and prophylaxis). The knowledge-based questions were 10 in number and framed with a single correct response. The questionnaire was prepared in Google Forms and a link was generated. This link was e-mailed to the dental practitioners with a cover letter explaining the need for the survey. The study was conducted for a period of 6 months (December 2020 to May 2021).
Results: A total of 826 subjects participated in this study. The commonest age group was 41–50 years (n = 363, 43.9%). A total of 367 (44.4%) BDS, 450 (54.5%) MDS, and nine (1.1%) PhD subjects formed the study sample. A combination of amoxicillin + clavulanic acid was their preferred first-line drug of choice. Similarly, the commonest second-line drug prescribed was cephalexin. Half of the study population (n = 413, 50%) prescribed antibiotics for their patients having endo-perio lesions. There were a mere 138 (38.8%) BDS, 170 (37.8%) MDS, and zero (0%) PhD subjects with adequate knowledge scores. Pedodontists (n = 104, 96.3%) prescribed the highest antibiotics as compared to other specialties. Endodontists (n = 33, 30.6%) prescribed the most adjunct medication in their practice.
Conclusion: Inadequate knowledge was reported amongst the practicing dentists, therefore the study calls for the improvement of their knowledge through periodic dental education on the betterment of clinical practice and in turn reducing the occurrence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
Clinical significance: AMR is a major concern for developing countries like India where there is an increased prevalence of self-medication and over-the-counter drug availability. Treating local odontogenic infections in regular dental practice with systemic antibiotics has received a red signal.
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