Change in Knowledge, Awareness, and Perception of Dentists Regarding COVID-19 in Belagavi City, Karnataka: A Questionnaire Study
Abhra R Choudhury, Anil V Ankola, Deepika Valakkunja, Apurva Deshpande, Atrey P Khot
Citation Information :
Choudhury AR, Ankola AV, Valakkunja D, Deshpande A, Khot AP. Change in Knowledge, Awareness, and Perception of Dentists Regarding COVID-19 in Belagavi City, Karnataka: A Questionnaire Study. World J Dent 2022; 13 (4):400-405.
Aim: The study aims to assess the change in knowledge, awareness, and perception about COVID-19 among the dentists in Belagavi city, Karnataka.
Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 212 dentists in Belagavi city, Karnataka. A self-designed questionnaire consisting of eight close-ended and five open-ended questions was used for the data collection in two phases, once in June 2020 and once in December 2020. All the data relating to demographic details followed by knowledge, awareness, and perception of dentists regarding COVID-19 were recorded. Descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, and McNemar test were used.
Results: A total of 212 dentists participated in both phases of the study in June 2020 and December 2020. Most of them (39.6%) belonged to the age-group of 35–45 years, and 41.5% had more than 5 years of working experience in a private clinic. In phase 1 of the assessment of June 2020, almost 86.3% of the dentists agreed that dentists should use personal protective equipment kits for treatment, but only 35.8% knew what was included. There was a change in the knowledge, awareness, and perception in the second phase in December 2020 which was statistically significant.
Conclusion: The knowledge, awareness, and perception of the dentists regarding COVID-19 in Belagavi city in December 2020 have increased when compared to June 2020. The ready availability of information and easy acquirement of knowledge, leading to better adaptability were the major reasons behind it.
Clinical significance: The knowledge, awareness, and perception type of assessment regarding COVID-19 among the dentists in Belagavi city is important to analyze and evaluate their readiness to restart dental practices and how prepared they are in doing so.
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