Visual Assessment of Extent of White Spot Lesions in Subjects treated with Fixed Orthodontic Appliances: A Retrospective Study
Purva Verma, Ravindra K Jain
Citation Information :
Verma P, Jain RK. Visual Assessment of Extent of White Spot Lesions in Subjects treated with Fixed Orthodontic Appliances: A Retrospective Study. World J Dent 2022; 13 (3):245-249.
Aim: White spot lesions (WSLs) are invariably found in patients undergoing orthodontic treatment. The aim of this study was to assess the extent of WSLs in subjects treated with fixed orthodontic appliances for variable time duration.
Materials and methods: In this retrospective evaluation, photographic records of 205 subjects were assessed for extent of WSL using a surface area analysis app. The subjects were splitted into three groups based on duration of orthodontic treatment: Group A (n = 62): Patients who completed their treatment in 10–12 months; Group B (n = 68): Patients in whom orthodontic treatment was completed in 13–24 months, and Group C (n = 75): Patient with total treatment duration of 25–36 months. The measurements were made at two time points: T0, that is, pretreatment and T1, that is, postdebonding. Total dental area of maxillary teeth was calculated and areas involved with WSLs were calculated for each tooth. Extent of area involved was calculated using the formula: Area of WSL (T1)–Area of WSL (T0). Intragroup comparison was done using paired t-test, intergroup comparison was performed using one-way ANOVA.
Results: Intragroup comparison revealed significant difference in extent of WSL at T0 and T1 in all three groups (p-value < 0.05). Intergroup comparison at T1 revealed a significant difference amongst three groups for the extent of WSLs.
Conclusion: The extent of WSLs depends on the duration of orthodontic treatment. Increased duration of orthodontic treatment was associated with increased extent of WSLs as assessed on digital photographs using an application.
Clinical significance: Longer orthodontic treatment duration is associated with increase in progression of WSLs. Patients undergoing orthodontic treatment, especially for longer duration, must undergo regular oral prophylaxis and should be instructed and motivated to maintain good oral hygiene. Fluoridated mouthwash and remineralizing dentifrices must be incorporated in the daily oral hygiene regime of such patients.
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