Citation Information :
Nalini B, Pranitha K, Sridevi E, Sankar KS, Siva AC. Remineralizing Potential of Various Commercially Available Dentifrices on Artificial Enamel Lesions. World J Dent 2022; 13 (2):116-120.
Aim: The aim of the present study was to determine the remineralizing potentiality of artificial carious lesions in primary teeth after application of three commercially available dentifrices using pH cycling.
Materials and methods: A total of 24 human primary teeth were randomly divided into three groups. Group I: Clinpro Tooth Creme, Group II: Enafix, and Group III: Amflor. All the teeth in each group were demineralized for 96 hours, sectioned longitudinally using hard tissue microtome and subjected to pH cycling for 7 days. The specimens were viewed under polarized light microscope, depth of demineralization and remineralization was recorded using Micap Microview analyzer software.
Results: The results were analyzed using one way-ANOVA test. All the test groups showed statistically significant decrease in mean depth of lesion 21.62±9.41 µm, 20.75±14.61 µm. 26.13±17.84 µm for group I, II, and III, respectively. However, no statistical difference was noticed on intergroup comparison.
Conclusion: All the tested dentifrices demonstrated remineralizing potential which was elicited by decrease in the lesion depth. Amflor showed better results than other remineralizing agents.
Clinical significance: To emphasize the importance of minimal invasive treatment of incipient carious lesion by remineralizing agents. Opting for remineralizing agents at the early stage can save the time, money and manpower. Usage of dentifrices containing remineralizing agents shown long-term beneficial effects on early caries lesions. The present study demonstrated that all the tested agents can be used to induce remineralization of early enamel lesions, so that complex invasive treatments can be prevented in near future.
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