Citation Information :
Narayankar A, Aswal GS, Ahmed S, Rawat R, Prabhakar N. Stress Distribution Patterns Associated with Dental Implants with Varying Thread Designs, Dimensions and Splinting Conditions: A Photoelastic Analysis. World J Dent 2022; 13 (1):9-15.
Aims and objectives: To assess and compare the functional load distribution pattern in dental implants with different thread designs (V-shaped, square, and reverse buttress), length (long = 12–13 mm, short = 8 mm), diameter (narrow = 3.75 mm, wide = 4.9–5 mm), and splinting condition (splinted or non-splinted) using photoelastic analysis.
Materials and methods: Eight epoxy resin-based photoelastic models using a custom-designed acrylic mould measuring 75 mm × 12 mm × 30 mm were prepared, with three implants in each of the models. Dental implants were placed vertically and parallel to each other using a holding device and a surveyor. A polariscope was employed to view the fringes before and after applying the load. Fringe orders were observed and principal stress was calculated. Data was statistically analyzed using factorial ANOVA.
Results: In splinted and non-splinted conditions, the least principal stress (1.111–2.286 N/fringe/mm2 and 1.363–3.082 N/fringe/mm2, respectively) was associated with V thread dental implants. Square thread (splinted 1.814–2.852 N/fringe/mm2, non-splinted 1.866–3.336 N/fringe/mm2) and reverse buttress thread (splinted 1.981–3.040 N/fringe/mm2, non-splinted 1.971–3.586 N/fringe/mm2) dental implants showed comparatively higher stress. Long and wide dental implants showed lesser principal stress when compared to short and narrow dental implants. Splinted dental implants presented lesser principal stress (2.021 N/fringe/mm2) in comparison to non-splinted dental implants (2.731 N/fringe/mm2).
Conclusions: Thread design, dimension and splinting condition of the implants plays a significant role in reducing bone stress. Clinically, to enhance the long-term success of implant therapy, V thread design, longer (≥12–13 mm) and wider (≥4.9–5 mm) implants shall be preferred over square or reverse buttress thread design, shorter (≤8 mm) and narrower (≤3.75 mm) implants. Splinting of dental implants effectively reduces principal stresses in the surrounding bone.
Clinical significance: Clinicians shall be able to use the findings of this study when selecting dental implants based on thread design, dimension, and the need to splint the dental implants for predictable treatment outcomes.
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