World Journal of Dentistry

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VOLUME 12 , ISSUE 6 ( November-December, 2021 ) > List of Articles


Comparative Evaluation of Fluoride Release and Recharge of Zirconia-reinforced, Resin-modified, and Conventional Glass Ionomer Cements

Soumya L Surabhilakshan, Anupama S Gopinath, Sam Joseph, Varun Kumar, Shiji Dinakaran, Anulekh Babu

Citation Information : Surabhilakshan SL, Gopinath AS, Joseph S, Kumar V, Dinakaran S, Babu A. Comparative Evaluation of Fluoride Release and Recharge of Zirconia-reinforced, Resin-modified, and Conventional Glass Ionomer Cements. World J Dent 2021; 12 (6):469-473.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10015-1877

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 24-11-2021

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2021; The Author(s).


Aim and objective: To quantitatively assess and compare the fluoride release and recharge of zirconia-reinforced, resin-modified, and conventional glass ionomer cement. Materials and methods: Fifteen disk-shaped pellets having dimension 5 × 3 mm were made in zirconia-reinforced (Zirconomer improved, Shofu), resin-modified (GC Gold label LC), and conventional glass ionomer (GC Gold label) cements concurring to the manufacturer's instruction. Each pellet was individually dipped in 10 mL deionized water in an air-tight container for 24 hours. After 24 hours, the specimens were removed and the elutes were collected. This procedure was repeated daily. The quantity of fluoride ions released in the solution was analyzed after 24 hours, 7th day, and 15th day. After 15 days, all samples from each group were recharged with 1.23% APF gel for 4 minutes and were reimmersed in 10 mL of fresh deionized water. Fluoride analysis was carried out on 16th, 22nd, and 30th day by a digital ion analyzer having a specific fluoride ion electrode. Results: The amount of fluoride released was highest for zirconia-reinforced GIC in comparison to conventional GIC and RMGIC. There was also a statistically significant difference in fluoride release after recharge for zirconia-reinforced GIC when compared with conventional GIC and RMGIC. Conclusion: Zirconia-reinforced GIC has added fluoride release and recharging property than conventional GIC and RMGIC. Clinical significance: Zirconia-reinforced GIC having superior compressive strength and fluoride release is an assuring material for restoration holding anticariogenic property.

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