World Journal of Dentistry

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VOLUME 12 , ISSUE 6 ( November-December, 2021 ) > List of Articles


Comparison of Mini-implant-supported Mandibular Canine Retraction with and without Submucosal Injection of Platelet-rich Plasma: A Split-mouth Study

Nithin V Joy, Hurkadle Jyothikiran, Nagasundar Rao Raghunath

Citation Information : Joy NV, Jyothikiran H, Raghunath NR. Comparison of Mini-implant-supported Mandibular Canine Retraction with and without Submucosal Injection of Platelet-rich Plasma: A Split-mouth Study. World J Dent 2021; 12 (6):446-452.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10015-1878

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 24-11-2021

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2021; The Author(s).


Aim and objective: To compare the differences in the rate of implant-supported individual canine retraction, with and without the administration of autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Materials and methods: Fifteen individuals who required mandibular 1st premolar extractions as part of their orthodontic therapy were selected in this split-mouth study. After the initial case strap-up followed by alignment and leveling stage using MBT 0.022″ appliance, to evaluate the effect of PRP on orthodontic tooth movement, the individual canine retraction was carried out on both the intervention and control side using the same NiTi Closed Coil Springs using a retraction force magnitude of 150 g measured using a Dontrix gauge. In the present study, instead of taking the conventional molar anchorage for retraction, mini-implants were utilized to prevent any mesial movement of posterior teeth (anchor loss). At the same appointment, injectable PRP was derived from the patient's own blood and was administered submucosally in the lingual mucosa and attached gingiva of canine and extraction site of the first premolar on the intervention side. Measurements for the determination of the rate of canine retraction were performed by direct technique from pre-canine retraction (T0) and post-canine retraction (T1) dental models with the help of a Vernier caliper digital instrument. The rate of canine retraction was evaluated and put through statistical analysis. Results: The mean rate of canine retraction for the PRP group and control group was 0.87 ± 0.12 and 0.7 ± 0.13 mm/month, respectively. The paired difference in the rates of the canine retraction was 0.17067 mm/month, which was found to be statistically significant (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The individual canine retraction was observed to be 1.24 times efficient in the PRP group compared with the control group. The effect of PRP administration on the rate of tooth movement at different intervals of the canine retraction process needs to be evaluated in future studies. Clinical significance: Minimally invasive techniques to speed up orthodontic treatment are the need of the hour as more individuals wish for a shorter duration of orthodontic therapy as well as not ignoring the positive effects of the same with respect to periodontal health, dental caries, and patient compliance.

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