Evaluation of the Efficacy of Different Systems in Determination of Root Canal Working Length: A Comparative Study
Aradhana Rathod, Asha Reddy, Shabna Moyin, Anvi Shah
Citation Information :
Rathod A, Reddy A, Moyin S, Shah A. Evaluation of the Efficacy of Different Systems in Determination of Root Canal Working Length: A Comparative Study. World J Dent 2021; 12 (5):399-402.
Aim and objective: This research aimed to assess the diagnostic efficiency of four different methods in the estimation of root canal working length (WL).
Materials and methods: Eighty human premolars, having a solitary root were chosen for this study. 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution was used to disinfect the recently extracted teeth for a period of 24 hours. These teeth were then allocated at random into four groups consisting of 20 teeth each. Group I: Working length determination by tactile method, Group II: Digital radiographic method, Group III: Electronic apex locator (EAL), Group IV: Endodontic motor with integrated apex locator. The actual WL was estimated for every sample. The values procured by the four techniques were cross-tabulated with the levels of coincidence of authentic WL values.
Results: The WL measurements with an EAL (21.56 ± 0.862) had more or less satisfactory coincidence with the actual WL (21.84 ± 0.486), pursued by endodontic motor with an incorporated apex locator (20.96 ± 1.010), digital radiographic technique (20.74 ± 1.030), and tactile method (20.42 ± 1.002). However, the difference between these experimental groups was not significant statistically.
Conclusion: This study has some limitations, within which it may be concluded that the WL of root canals as estimated by the EAL implicated that these values were nearer to the actual WL than the values procured from endodontic motor with incorporated apex locator, digital radiograph, and tactile techniques.
Clinical significance: Establishing an accurate WL is among the elementary factors for the success of endodontic therapy. Instrumentation which is excessively short of or goes past the apex unfavorably influences the victory of endodontic treatment. Estimating the appropriate technique to precisely measure the WL would be advantageous for dental clinicians.
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