Analysis of Various Smile Parameters Using Digital Photography: An Observational Study
Sushma Ramaswamy, Nikita Rohilla, Tanuja T Sathe
Citation Information :
Ramaswamy S, Rohilla N, Sathe TT. Analysis of Various Smile Parameters Using Digital Photography: An Observational Study. World J Dent 2021; 12 (5):392-398.
Aim and objective: To assess the various smile parameters like smile arc, gingival visibility, dental and facial midlines, gingival zenith, the relation between the upper incisors and the lower lip using digital photography.
Materials and methods: Using a convenient sampling technique a sample size of 120 (60 males and 60 females) was drawn. Both close-up and facial photographs were captured using DSLR [Single-lens reflex digital camera (NIKON)], Lens mount NIKON F mount (with AF contact). Smile arc, gingival visibility, dental and facial midlines, gingival zenith, the relation between the upper incisors and the lower lip were the parameters that were assessed in this study.
Results: The mean age of the male participants was 21.97 and the mean age of female participants was 22.20. About 81.7% of the total study population had convex smile arc, 53.3% of participants had type II gingival visibility for a forced smile, whereas 52.5% had type II for a natural smile. About 64.2% of the subjects had right side deviation of the dental midline, in 21.7% of the subjects the dental midline coincided with the facial midline. In 81.7% of the participants, the gingival zenith followed the ideal pattern. In 78.3%, the smile arc slightly touched the upper anteriors.
Conclusion: Within the limitations of the present study, it can be concluded that the various smile parameters like smile arc, gingival visibility, dental and facial midline and gingival zenith assessed can be used to rehabilitate the smile of dentate patients, partially dentate, and/or can help rehabilitate an edentulous mouth.
Clinical significance: Dental photography offers the dental professional an array of the possibility of visual reconstruction of the various stages of treatment. With digital photography as an aid, the dentists can design and correct the smile for the utmost satisfaction of the patients.
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