Is Silver Diamine Fluoride Really a Magic Alternative in Pediatric Caries Management?
Shreepriya Singhania, Raghavendra Shanbhog
Citation Information :
Singhania S, Shanbhog R. Is Silver Diamine Fluoride Really a Magic Alternative in Pediatric Caries Management?. World J Dent 2021; 12 (4):350-354.
Aim and objective: To review the success of silver diamine fluoride (SDF) in the management of caries in children.
Background: The current concept of caries management is based on a biological approach. When it comes to children with early childhood caries, managing their behavior along with effective and comprehensive caries management is necessary for which an algorithm-based approach is discussed. Silver diamine fluoride acts as a tertiary preventive procedure that reduces the negative consequences of established disease (cavity) and restores, thus improving the child's quality of life. It is a magic bullet that comprises antibacterial actions of silver and remineralizing effects of highly concentrated fluoride.
Review results: Previous systematic reviews have reported the success of SDF in arresting caries in primary teeth and root caries in adults. Caries removal is not a prerequisite; therefore, SDF application is suitable when other modalities of caries management are unavailable or impractical. Apart from staining the arrested lesion black, no significant complication of SDF use among children was reported.
Conclusion: Even though the black staining was unappealing, a significant number of parents chose SDF over advanced pharmacological behavior management techniques and it is really the magic alternative in children as it supports the contemporary “biological approach” for caries management.
Clinical significance: In such times of the COVID-19 pandemic, SDF allows the interruption of aerosol-generating procedures and serves as interim treatment procedure to arrest dentin caries to prevent development of pulpitis which further requires intervention using aerotor. Most of all, SDF application is child-friendly and provides exceptional success rates when used where indicated.
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