World Journal of Dentistry

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VOLUME 12 , ISSUE 4 ( July-August, 2021 ) > List of Articles


Dentist's Attitudes, Practice, and Barriers toward the Use of Rubber Dam during Operative and Endodontic Treatments: An Online Questionnaire Survey

Aeshah Hanbashi, Hala Otayf, Hamed Alshawkani, Mohammed Mashyakhy, Hemant Chourasia

Keywords : Dentists, Endodontics, Online survey, Questionnaire, Rubber dam

Citation Information : Hanbashi A, Otayf H, Alshawkani H, Mashyakhy M, Chourasia H. Dentist's Attitudes, Practice, and Barriers toward the Use of Rubber Dam during Operative and Endodontic Treatments: An Online Questionnaire Survey. World J Dent 2021; 12 (4):306-310.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10015-1840

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 15-07-2021

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2021; The Author(s).


Aim and objective: To assess the attitude, practice, and barriers toward the use of rubber dam during endodontic and operative procedures among dentists in Jazan, Saudi Arabia. Materials and methods: An online descriptive cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted among the dentists practicing in the Jazan region, Saudi Arabia. A total of 259 dentists participated in this study. Convenience sampling was used due to the limitation in the study duration and COVID-19 pandemic. The data collection were done online using a questionnaire designed at The association between the independent variables and the responses to the questions was tested using the Chi-square test. Statistical significance was determined at α = 0.05. Results: About 75% of participants mentioned that rubber dam was available in their clinic; however, only 71% had used it for their patients. Regarding the barriers that prevent the usage of rubber dam, 68% cited as financial reasons, 25% mentioned that they are not fully aware of how to use it, while 6% said that rubber dam was not available. A statistically significant association was found between training on rubber dam use, the working sector professional classification and experience, and using rubber dam for patients in the clinic. No statistically significant association was observed between rubber dam use and gender and place of education. Conclusion: The participants had a favorable attitude toward rubber dam use. The training, operator experience, and workplace are favorably associated with rubber dam use. Increased cost, insufficient training, and non-availability of rubber dam were reported as the greatest barriers to regular usage. Clinical significance: Most of the barriers reported for the non-usage of rubber dam are myths that have been propagated over time. The benefits of rubber dam use significantly outweigh the costs incurred.

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