World Journal of Dentistry

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VOLUME 12 , ISSUE 4 ( July-August, 2021 ) > List of Articles


Role of Panoramic Radiography in the Identification of Dental Anomalies and Disturbed Development of the Dentition

Cabov Tomislav, Legovic Asja, Cabov Ercegovic Lucija, Zulijani Ana

Keywords : Children, Dental anomalies, Developmental disorder, Panoramic radiograph, Prevalence

Citation Information : Tomislav C, Asja L, Lucija CE, Ana Z. Role of Panoramic Radiography in the Identification of Dental Anomalies and Disturbed Development of the Dentition. World J Dent 2021; 12 (4):271-277.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10015-1836

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 15-07-2021

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2021; The Author(s).


Aim and objective: This study aimed to determine the prevalence of dental anomalies and impaired dentition development by analyzing panoramic radiographs. Materials and methods: The study included 1,317 orthopantomograms of children treated in an orthodontic practice. Regarding the development of the dentition, they were divided into five stages: (1) Eruption of the first permanent molars. (2) Replacement of the incisors. (3) Completed replacement of the incisors. (4) Replacement in the supporting zones. (5) Completed replacement of the teeth of the supporting zones. Results: Dental anomalies were found in 9.5% of the subjects. In the first stage, M1 was found to resorb the crown of m2 in 7.1% of cases during the eruption. In the second stage, I1 resorbed the adjacent deciduous tooth during the eruption in 17.5% of the cases. In the third stage, impaired development of incisors was observed in 28.9% of cases in the maxilla and in 27.9% in the mandible. In the fourth stage, ectopic position and premature eruption of the germ in segments C-P2 were noted in 20.8% of teeth in the maxilla and 9.7% in the mandible. Late mineralization of P2 and ankylosis of m2 was noted in 3.4% of cases in the maxilla and 6.5% in the mandible. In the fifth stage, 11.9% of M3 germs were ectopically positioned in the maxilla and 29.5% in the mandible, 5.9% of M3 germs were absent in the maxilla, and 6.7% in the mandible. Conclusion: Our study showed a similar incidence of various dental anomalies and disturbed dentition development as reported in the literature. The results of this study confirm that the analysis of orthopantomogram is an important and useful element in the diagnosis and treatment plans for a malocclusion. Clinical significance: Orthopantomogram analysis can be used as a useful element in the diagnosis and treatment plans for a malocclusion.

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