Citation Information :
Punde P. Assessment of the Efficacy of Various Subgingival Irrigating Solutions in Chronic Periodontitis: A Comparative Study. World J Dent 2020; 11 (3):221-225.
Aim: The present study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of different subgingival irrigating solutions, which can be used in the treatment of chronic periodontitis. Materials and methods: Altogether 60 patients (both females and males) aged between 20 years and 60 years who were diagnosed with mild to moderate chronic periodontitis were chosen for this study. After providing oral hygiene maintenance instructions, the patients were grouped randomly divided into three divisions. Group I: subgingival irrigation with tetracycline HCl 10 mg/mL, group II: subgingival irrigation with 0.2% chlorhexidine, group III: Subgingival irrigation with 10% povidone-iodine. The subgingival plaque samples were collected and clinical parameters such as probing pocket depth, gingival index, plaque index, and clinical attachment level were recorded at the selected sites at baseline, after 15 days and at the end of 1 month. Results: The mean gingival index score decreased from 1.76 ± 0.10 at baseline to 1.07 ± 0.01 after 1 month of irrigation, and the mean plaque index score decreased from 1.52 ± 0.20 at baseline to 1.10 ± 0.71 after 1 month of irrigation in group I. A statistically significant difference was found on intergroup comparisons of clinical attachment level, pocket probing depth, and colony-forming units. Conclusion: In conclusion, a significant improvement in the clinical parameters was seen in all the three investigational groups in our study. Nevertheless, slightly better improvement in clinical parameters was demonstrated by the tetracycline HCl irrigation group when compared to povidone-iodine and chlorhexidine irrigating solutions. Clinical significance: The use of subgingival irrigating solutions interferes with the development of the intricate ecosystem, which is required for the commencement and sustained destruction of the periodontium in any vulnerable host. The administration of antimicrobial agents locally offers a “site-precise” method of periodontal treatment and it has numerous advantages.
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