Clinical and Functional Analyses of the Musculoskeletal Balance with Oral Electromyography and Stabilometric Platform in Athletes of Different Disciplines
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Edoardo B, Alessandro N, Davide B, Sara A, Marcello M. Clinical and Functional Analyses of the Musculoskeletal Balance with Oral Electromyography and Stabilometric Platform in Athletes of Different Disciplines. World J Dent 2020; 11 (3):166-171.
Aim of study: No evidence is found in literature to assess that malocclusion can lead to postural or craniocervical–mandibular disorders. The aim of this study is to investigate with surface electromyography (EMG) of masticatory muscles and stabilometric analysis the relationship between malocclusion and presence of temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) or postural variations in a group of athletes of different sports. Materials and methods: Seventy-four athletes belonging to different sport societies were included in this study. Chi-square test, taking as significance index χ2 > 0.05, was used to compare in pairs the postural interference, muscle disharmony, malocclusion, and TMDs. Results: No statistical significance emerged, correlating postural interference and muscle disharmony (χ2 = 0.15), muscular imbalance, and anatomical findings of malocclusion (χ2 = 0.62), muscular imbalance and TMDs (χ2 = 0.15), and TMDs and malocclusion (χ2 = 0.09). Statistically significant association [χ2 = 0.019, odds ratio (OR) = 3.10] emerged from the correlation between TMDs and postural interference. Conclusion: A correlation between posture and occlusion is very difficult to be demonstrated. A multidisciplinary approach is required for TMDs: therapy with oral splints allows to give greater compliance to the system by allowing muscles to guide the jaw in a position of functional equilibrium. Clinical significance: Gnathological treatment evaluated through EMG and stabilometric platform allows to obtain improvements in the occlusal balance.
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