Diagnostic Reliability of Digital and Manual Panoramic Imaging in Presurgical Implant Length Evaluation in Vertical and Horizontal Dimensions at Different Sites
Keywords :
Digital radiograph, Magnification factor, Manual radiograph
Citation Information :
Raza FB, Arumugam M, Vaidyanathan AK, Veeravalli PT. Diagnostic Reliability of Digital and Manual Panoramic Imaging in Presurgical Implant Length Evaluation in Vertical and Horizontal Dimensions at Different Sites. World J Dent 2020; 11 (2):112-115.
Aim: The reliability of panoramic radiograph (OPG) in treatment planning for dental implant placement is questionable. To assess the reproducibility and accuracy of panoramic imaging by evaluating the vertical and horizontal magnification factor (MF) at different regions of maxilla and mandible in manual and digital OPG. Materials and methods: The MF of the OPG at incisor, premolar, and molar regions taken through manual and digital radiograph unit with Asahi unit (MF 1.2–1.3×) and Planmeca unit (MF 1.2×), respectively, was assessed both horizontally and vertically. The measurement was made using Vernier caliper for manual and Microdicom Otic software for digital OPG. Measurements were done using two observers. Results: Mean vertical MF determined using digital OPG was found to be constant and similar to manufacturer's MF in molar and premolar regions; but in the incisor region, it was less than manufacturer's MF value, while manual OPG showed significant difference in vertical MF (t test). Mean horizontal MF of digital OPG was lower than the manufacturer's listed factor; while in manual OPG, it was within the manufacturer's specification in molar and premolar regions but the range was wide. Conclusion: The present study shows vertical MF was constant with digital OPG, while horizontal MF was similar to manufacturer's specification in manual OPG, especially in molar and premolar regions. Clinical significance: Magnification of image is normal occurrence in any radiographic image. In panoramic image where the focal spot–film distance is specific, the manufacturer's MF could be used appropriately to minimize errors.
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