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Alqahtani FI, Algohar A, Alhazzaa A, Dimashkieh A. Gingival Health in Patients Treated with Full Veneer Crown Restorations in Al-Riyadh Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. World J Dent 2019; 10 (4):280-284.
Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the effect of different marginal locations and fabrication places on the gingival health of patients treated with full veneer crown restorations, at Al-Riyadh province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was performed to assess the gingival health of patients with full veneer crown restorations. Thirty-nine patients with 45 full veneer crowns have been examined in two places: College of Dentistry (Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University) and East Riyadh Specialist Dental Center; both places are in Al-Riyadh province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The gingival index by Loe and Sillness has been used to assess gingival health. Patients have been examined from December 2016 to March 2017.
Results: A tooth restored with full veneer crowns showed a high gingival index (1.10) than the contralateral unrestored tooth in the same patients. There were significant differences between subgingival margin (1.14), supragingival (0.69), and equigingival (0.73) margin on gingival health. There were significant differences between full veneer crowns fabricated at government clinics (0.81) and full veneer crowns fabricated at private clinics (1.10) on gingival health. There were no significant differences on gingival health between patients with different educational levels.
Conclusion: Subgingival margin of full veneer crowns has a higher gingival index than the equigingival and supragingival margin. Full veneer crowns fabricated at governmental clinics have a lower gingival index compared with full veneer crowns fabricated at private clinics, with no positive relationship between the educational level and gingival health around the crown.
Clinical significance: The location of the finish line as well as the fabrication place will significantly impact the gingival health of the final full veneer restorations.
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