Citation Information :
Hanumanthaiah S, Thomas T, Sabu JK. Efficacy of Low-level Laser Therapy in Increasing the Rate of Orthodontic Tooth Movement: A Randomized Control Clinical Trial. World J Dent 2019; 10 (3):177-180.
Aim: The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of low level laser therapy in increasing the rate of orthodontic tooth movement.
Materials and methods: Twenty-four arches in 24 patients above 18 years of age requiring bilateral extractions in the same arch were randomly selected for this study. By this way, both the patient and the postgraduate student were blinded in the study. The experimental side was exposed to biostimulation using 980 nm gallium–aluminum–arsenide (GaAlAs) diode lasers, and the contralateral side was taken as control. Laser irradiation was delivered with a power output of 2 W in a continuous wave mode. The laser beam was delivered using a 1 × 4 cm diameter tip held perpendicular and in contact with the mucosa at the cervical third of canine on the buccal and palatal surfaces over an area of 4 cm2. Digital caliper measurements accurate to ±0.001 mm were recorded on study cast models on the 1st day, 28th day, 57th day, and 85th day. The distance between the contact points of the maxillary canine and second premolar was measured on study cast models three times, and the mean value was used for data computations.
Results: On comparison of the rate of tooth movement between the control and laser groups, the tooth movement was greater in the laser group than in the control group, and it was statistically highly significant at all time intervals with the level of significance set at 0.05 at 95% confidence interval.
Conclusion: LLLT with a specified regimen applied once in a month is effective in increasing the rate of orthodontic tooth movement.
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