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Mohammed A, K S, Mohindroo A, Shetty A, Shetty V, Rao S, Shetty P. Assessment and Measurement of Interleukin 6 in Periodontal Ligament Tissues during Orthodontic Tooth Movement. World J Dent 2019; 10 (2):88-92.
Aim: To assess and measure the levels of Interleukin-6 (IL-6) expression in the periodontal ligament (PDL) during orthodontic treatment at various intervals of the force application.
Materials and methods: A sample of 60 premolar teeth were divided into controls and test groups of 30 samples each. Each tooth was assigned a time point for its extraction at 2 hours, 15th day or the 30th day after application of force. Brackets were bonded to the experimental teeth in the mesiodistal center but at 5 degrees to the long axis of the tooth to apply a force of 200–250 g, which was measured by Correx gauge. Gracey's curette was used to scrape off all the periodontal ligament covering the root surface of the extracted teeth. Cytokine IL-6 was measured by the use of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit at a wavelength of 450 nm.
Results: There was no difference in the levels of IL-6 at 2 hours for the test and the control groups. IL-6 concentration showed the maximum levels when measured on the 15th day and showed a decrease on the 30th day.
Conclusion: This study depicted a pattern followed by IL-6 after orthodontic force application, and is a step further in establishing IL-6 as a potential biomarker for improving the orthodontic treatment in terms of decreased treatment time and decreased side effects.
Clinical significance: IL-6 can be used as a potential biomarker for efficient treatment in terms of decreased treatment time intervals and decreased side effects of the orthodontic treatment.
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