Aim: Removal of the third molars is the most common minor oral surgical procedure being performed. Though controversy is minimal when there is a pathology involved with the third molar, prophylactic removal of impacted third molars has always been debated. This review focuses on the prophylactic removal of the third molar
Background: Many a time an impacted third molar can remain asymptomatic throughout life. What is to be considered is the risk of just retaining an asymptomatic third molar against overt problems that arise if it becomes pathological.
Review results: Quite a number of systematic reviews have been compiled by various authors on this topic. However, still, there is no decision with a black and white certainty when it comes to prophylactic removal of impacted third molars.
Conclusion: This article highlights the review on surgical removal of impacted molars, the associated complications during removal and the complications associated with retention.
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