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Addi RA, Benksim A, Cherkaoui M. Sociodemographic Inequalities and Health Behaviors in the Dental and Periodontal Health. World J Dent 2019; 10 (1):29-34.
Aim: Dental decay and periodontal diseases are very common allover the world with outcomes ranging from dental loss to systemic diseases. In this study, we aim to determine the impact of sociodemographic disparities and health behaviors on dental and periodontal health (DPH).
Materials and methods: An epidemiological study was conducted amongst 600 dental patients in two private dental clinics in the region of Marrakesh, Morocco from 2012 to 2015. Three hundred seventeen patients between 25 years and 46 years old who were contacted by telephone to carry out a supplementary survey and of these 317 patients, 82 subjects were maintained. A questionnaire was followed to assess sociodemographic dis-parities, self-reported oral health status, and hygiene behaviors.
Results: The age of the sample varies between 3 years and 78 years with an average of 31.2 ± 14.3 years. Also, the dominant age group is between 26 and 44 years old with a percentage of 47.6%. The distribution of the population by sex shows good equity (53.4% of men and 46.6% of women). For the educational level, 7.3% of the population is illiterate, 17.1% have a primary level, 39.0% have a high school level and 36.6% have a university level. In addition, habitation is urban at 79.3%, and rural at 20.7%. Furthermore, we note that only 28.8% of patients have a good daily toothbrushing frequency which is equal to or greater than 3.
Conclusion: Dental and periodontal health (DPH) are indeed affected by sociodemographic and economic status with higher dental problems among rural and poor people.
Clinical significance: Dental and periodontal diseases are serious problems of public health allover the world.
The lack of oral education and dental cares, particularly in developing countries and rural areas may increase these affections. The result of this study shows the implication of sociodemographic disparities and health behaviors in dental and periodontal outcomes.
This work will complement the limited knowledge of the existing interaction between sociodemographic disparities and health behaviors and dental and periodontal affections. It is also a fundamental starting of public health preventive or therapeutic strategies.
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