The purpose of this study was to assess the status of Dental Infection Control and Occupational Safety in India. 456 respondents (dentists) used this self-administered survey instrument containing about 96 variables. Over 95% of respondents felt that HIV and Hepatitis were infectious disease risks of concern and that infectious diseases were on the rise in India. Education and training in Dental Safety were lacking and that the latter are made mandatory in dental school curricula. Availability and access to safety materials and equipment were lacking in India and affordability was an issue. While respondents had adequate knowledge in the subject of infectious diseases, attitude (Stigma) towards treating infected patients was a negative factor with a significant number stating that double gloving was necessary, medical history dictated additional precautions and finally that care providers had the right to refuse care to Infectious patients. Although standards in Dental Safety are in place, implementation of educational (both didactic in schools and continuing education for practitioners) is a priority. Dental industry from within and outside India must play a role in this effort. In conclusion, significant structural and educational support activities are indicated with improvements in access and availability of materials and equipment to improve dental safety in India. Further, stigma of infectious diseases must be eradicated if not reduced towards infectious patients.
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